The Freelancer Hourly Rate Calculator

I keep running into freelancers and entrepreneurs who have no idea what to charge. Pricing is a mixture of what you need to charge (what you cost), what others are charging, the value you deliver and the story around that.

The value and story parts require more work (with which I'd love to help you, for example through coaching). But, I can help you with what you need to charge, and what others are charging, NOW!

The Freelance Hourly Rate Calculator v2

The part where you calculate what you need to at least charge is actually fairly straightforward. With a little help, that is. I'm happy to help, so I decided to build The Freelancer Hourly Rate Calculator.


Use it to calculate:

  • What profit and revenue you need to make in order to earn your desired income,
  • Take into account savings for the future,
  • The rate your need to charge to earn what you want,
  • How many hours you need to bill per week to reach your revenue goal.
  • What you would earn if you'd charge the average rate in your industry!

It's a spreadsheet. Now, I now what you're thinking. "Ugh, spreadsheets. I don't know how to use Excel." But, not to worry! I've done everything I could to set it up more like an interactive blog post. You fill in a few numbers, answers some questions and it will give you the answers.

You simply download the Calculator, open the spreadsheet, and I'll guide you along the way how to use it. The boxes you need to use are clearly marked. You can have a sneak peek on the picture to the right.

Leave your email address below, and it will land in your inbox in a jiffy!

Hourly Rate Report 2018

In the fall 2018, I send out a questionnaire, asking about the hourly rates that freelancers charge for short and long projects.

I've distinguished between type of industry (creative, consulting, training, etc) and type of clients (corporate, small businesses, etc). I also asked how long they've been in this business and how they rate the quality of their work.

62 people have filled it in (as of december 2018). I bundled the the results in a fancy report. Check out the first 4 pages here on the right ->.

Want to contribute to the next report and a better Calculator, fill in the form here.

Leave your email address below, and it will land in your inbox straight-away.

Full disclosure, by downloading the Calculator, I'll automatically add you to my bi-weekly newsletter "Shot of Strategy". In which, I'll share 3 lessons from my conversations with my peer entrepreneurs.

If you don't want that, absolutely feel free to unsubscribe. But, I hope you'll give it a chance because I believe you'll really dig it. 3 short shots to inject your business with better strategy!

Enjoy and make a ruckus!