Guardian - Still ticking: The improbable survival of the luxury watch business

Guardian - Still ticking: The improbable survival of the luxury watch business

We still buy watches even when we don’t really need them. And Swiss manufacturers manage to have 60% of the global watch market value while only producing 2% of them. Why is there such a high-paying market for them? Well, it’s the only jewellery a man wears. It’s also a result of a long process – the end of a feat of infinitely intricate human engineering – that appeals to the watch connoisseur.

National Geographic - Before the Flood

National Geographic - Before the Flood

Great documentaire produced by Leonardo DiCaprio and given to the world. It doesn't say anything that wasn't already known. It doesn't give any new solutions. But man does it powerfully lay bare how serious the problem is. It absolutely grips for the full 90 minutes and motivates you to take action!

Brain Pickings - Telling Is Listening (Ursula K. Le Guin)

Brain Pickings - Telling Is Listening (Ursula K. Le Guin)

One of Maria’s favorites. Wait? Amoeba sex holds the key to communication? That talking and listening are ultimately the same thing. That listening is not a reaction, but a connection to join into.

10 Learnings from 10 Years of Brain Pickings

10 Learnings from 10 Years of Brain Pickings

Brain Pickings is quite the inspiration to me. I love this labor of love. And to sustain something like it for a decade is impressive to me. Here are the 10 lessons Maria Popova distilled over that time period and her 10 favourites that fueled them. #6: “Presence is far more intricate and rewarding an art than productivity.”

Simon Sinek: Understanding the Game we’re Playing

Simon Sinek: Understanding the Game we’re Playing

Simon Sinek at his best. In a passionate address, Simon Sinek talks about the millennial generation. How what can be perceived as entitlement is really a nurtured belief that they(/we) can have it all and a trained impatience. And that the game of life/work should really be seen like a journey and progress instead of like a scavenger hunt to find quick success. 

Brainpickings - Keltner’s Power Paradox

Brainpickings - Keltner’s Power Paradox

The paradox is that - once you have the power - people seem to loose the qualities you got power with. How to prevent falling in that trap? (1) Keep the focus on the other and help them. (2) Keep your interests in check. (3) Avoid getting too busy. 

Nicole Lipkin - The one productivity killer you’re overlooking

Nicole Lipkin - The one productivity killer you’re overlooking

“Our intolerance for boredom is one of the primary reasons our productivity suffers. The phone or Facebook are just secondary causes. Before we check Facebook we are bored.” Increasing you “boredom stamina” will allow you not to reach for a quick fix.

Fast Co.Design - Brainstorming is dumb

Fast Co.Design - Brainstorming is dumb

Yes, we create ideas in interaction with others. But only one person can speak at the same time. Seems inefficient. Luckily there is a better way! More ideas come when you start “brainwriting” instead of brainstorming and alternate group sessions with solo-brainstorming!

Wired - Time might only exist in your head

Wired - Time might only exist in your head

“A faraway corner of the universe might be moving future to past. But the moment humans point a telescope in that direction, time conforms to the past-future flow.” Weird right? Just dive in (the physics in it is kept simple).

Jason Fried - A mistake is just a moment in time

Jason Fried - A mistake is just a moment in time

The Navajo didn’t fix weaving errors in their rugs. They didn’t think it the best thing to do. The mistakes weren’t intentional. What was intentional was the desire not to go back and fix them. Don’t dwell on your mistakes. Learn and go on.

Thiago R. Pinto - Our changing relationship with music and its new practical function

Thiago R. Pinto - Our changing relationship with music and its new practical function

The way we consume music has changed. Sure. But they way our relationship with music has changed is underestimated if you believe the reports by the music industry. Music is no longer a reflection of our identity. It’s a reflection of what we do.

Jordan Harbinger - The 5 Incredible Things To Do To Live A Charmed Life (by James Altucher)

Jordan Harbinger - The 5 Incredible Things To Do To Live A Charmed Life (by James Altucher)

Not the best article, but great lessons for life. “The Doorway Drill”; Try to feel what’s going on with others and what makes them act the way they; “The Benjamin Franklin Effect”; Always be giving and don’t keep score.

Slate Browbeat - The Strange Reason Nearly Every Film Ends by Saying It’s Fiction

Slate Browbeat - The Strange Reason Nearly Every Film Ends by Saying It’s Fiction

It’s quite out there. Rasputin is involved. Funny how sometimes, 1 incident creates such sad fear driven standard/rule. Where else did this happen?

Ryan Holiday - Don’t follow your passion. It’s what’s holding you back

Ryan Holiday - Don’t follow your passion. It’s what’s holding you back

Passion is not the distinguishing factor between success and failure. It needs to be coupled with reason. It can compensate for some weaknesses. But it is not a substitute for mastery and purpose.

Seth Godin - 7 unconventional rules for getting clients

Seth Godin - 7 unconventional rules for getting clients

Love these gems from Seth Godin. Fire bad clients! Challenge clients to demand your best work. You have to make the choice. Don’t wait for advise or guidance from the client. Check them out.