
Fast Co.Design - Brainstorming is dumb

Fast Co.Design - Brainstorming is dumb

Yes, we create ideas in interaction with others. But only one person can speak at the same time. Seems inefficient. Luckily there is a better way! More ideas come when you start “brainwriting” instead of brainstorming and alternate group sessions with solo-brainstorming!

Thiago R. Pinto - Our changing relationship with music and its new practical function

Thiago R. Pinto - Our changing relationship with music and its new practical function

The way we consume music has changed. Sure. But they way our relationship with music has changed is underestimated if you believe the reports by the music industry. Music is no longer a reflection of our identity. It’s a reflection of what we do.

Simon Parkin - The Brain in the Machine

Simon Parkin - The Brain in the Machine

Steve Grand. This guy! Holy smokes. He’s programming animals. But he’s not mimicking the behavior of animals in code. He’s programming them on an almost cellular level. Programming virtual neurons and enzymes. Animals get hungry, need to go hunting. To go hunting, they need to scout the surroundings. To do that they need to learn to move. Etc. It’s an insanely big project. That he does by himself!

Wait But Why - How Tesla Will Change The World

Wait But Why - How Tesla Will Change The World

Another great explanation about the change in climate and its causes is done on Wait But Why. They use words that humans actually use and understand. The article at large is about how Tesla will change the world, but starts off by explaining the problem with gas/petrol cars. I - nerd alert - especially love the graph of where our power is coming from and how it’s used. And the dog in the cave with pork metaphor is hilarious as well.

The Tim Ferriss Show - How to Think Like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos

The Tim Ferriss Show - How to Think Like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos

Ik dacht, nog een podcast kan er wel bij! The Tim Ferriss Show “deconstructs excellence”. En die excellence haalt hij wel binnen met z’n gasten. Deze keer Peter Diamandis (naast 10 andere accolades oprichter van Singularity University). Hij praat over groot denken, over het “Operating System” van je brein (hoe je informatie verwerkt) en wat de grote ondernemers van nu gemeen hebben.

David Grabber - Of Flying Cars and the Declining Rate of Profit

David Grabber - Of Flying Cars and the Declining Rate of Profit

Als kind zag David de Apollo landen op de maan en fantaseerde over de toekomst. Wat zou er in 2000 allemaal wel niet zijn? Nou, zoals we gezien hebben, niks van zijn dromen over vliegende auto’s, colonies op Mars of teleportation pods...