
Brainpickings - Keltner’s Power Paradox

Brainpickings - Keltner’s Power Paradox

The paradox is that - once you have the power - people seem to loose the qualities you got power with. How to prevent falling in that trap? (1) Keep the focus on the other and help them. (2) Keep your interests in check. (3) Avoid getting too busy. 

HBR - What you’re hiding from when you constantly check your phone

HBR - What you’re hiding from when you constantly check your phone

A split second of time without something to do. Bam. Need. Phone. Now! Just a mechanism to hide from the moment. Hiding from the uncomfortable unease, sadness or pain that may be there. But maybe we can reframe this addiction. View it a practice to become better at focussing. Notice the unease. And sit with it for a second. You’ll train your focus muscle that is great for creativity. And you’ll feel better for it. 

New York Times - Choose to be grateful. It will make you happier.

New York Times - Choose to be grateful. It will make you happier.

For the holiday spirit! I love it when cause and effect can also be reversed. As positive psychology has been saying, you don’t have to be successful to be happy. It’s the other way around. And you don’t have to be happy to be grateful. Again, it’s the other way around. So be happy by choosing to be grateful! Oh, but beware, apparently there are side effects. Like, you wanting more sweets. Aptly called: The Pumpkin Pie Paradox.

Brainpicking - An Antidote to the Age of Anxiety: Alan Watts on Happiness and How to Live with Presence

Brainpicking - An Antidote to the Age of Anxiety: Alan Watts on Happiness and How to Live with Presence

"To be secure means to isolate and fortify the “I,” but it is just the feeling of being an isolated “I” which makes me feel lonely and afraid. In other words, the more security I can get, the more I shall want.”

Tim Ferriss Show - Brené Brown on Vulnerability and Home Run TED Talks

Tim Ferriss Show - Brené Brown on Vulnerability and Home Run TED Talks

A great first dive into that balance between acceptance and improvement can be heard in the conversation between Brené Brown and Tim Ferriss. A great episode throughout. About her Ted talks, vulnerability and shame. But from minute 31 it really gets into that balance. How do you keep your drive to compete when you accept that you are enough? Her point is that you need to be centered in acceptance in order to have a healthy competitiveness. It unleashes her to strive for excellence. Not acting from that center results in a need for validation. And I couldn’t agree more.

The Tim Ferriss Show - How to Think Like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos

The Tim Ferriss Show - How to Think Like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos

Ik dacht, nog een podcast kan er wel bij! The Tim Ferriss Show “deconstructs excellence”. En die excellence haalt hij wel binnen met z’n gasten. Deze keer Peter Diamandis (naast 10 andere accolades oprichter van Singularity University). Hij praat over groot denken, over het “Operating System” van je brein (hoe je informatie verwerkt) en wat de grote ondernemers van nu gemeen hebben.