Chaordic Balance

Big and mature companies have plenty of rules and protocols. Set up to keep the ship going steady. There is value in predictability.

But the more systems you build in in order not to fail, the harder it becomes to do something new and innovative. Hence, stagnation.

Without oxygen, you can't start a fire.

Many creatives, artists, and entrepreneurs like freedom, complete autonomy, and doing things differently. That leads to many ideas and creative output.

But when you only want to start, you never finish anything. Hence, no traction and many projects left for dead.

Unlimited firecrackers don't build a rocket ship.

So it can't be either-or. The secret is to balance Chaos and Order. In the Chaordic middle is where creativity and innovation happen.

Support your creativity with a little structure and magic can happen!

In the conversation I had with Stephanie Verstift, this balance came up again and again. Perhaps she understands this balance so well because of her upbringing; growing up in two households that both emphasized one of the sides.

In cooking, she found that it often can be somewhat of a free for all. Simply chuck many great ingredients together. But if you start with some principles, all the paths you take from there lead to a delicious meal.

Even when there's stuff you can't do, the amount of options is still endless. And now all options fit together.

She also talked about leading teams of volunteers. In such a setup, the familiar structures of paying someone and function profiles that and the expectations that come with it aren't present.

So you need to create a supportive structure to aim all the passionate volunteers. She emphasized the need to give them the idea they're valued and to find the right spot for each personality and talent. It also requires explicitly (and more clearly than you're used to) stating some of the rules and boundaries.

Lastly, she shared how she thinks about goal setting. What works for her is to set them but hold them loosely.

Knowing what about it is important and accepting you'll run into some detours, at some point you'll get there and it will be different.

This Chaordic Balance is in everything.

From the way you lead people, to the boundary conditions that support your art of creative work.

From money-making gigs that support creative adventures, to the structured morning routine to start your day well.

The business plan that supports your mission, and in what you don't compromise on and in what's pocket change.

From how well you prepare an interview or workshop, and your posture and attitude to change when it starts.

And, of course, to how you deal with a society that becomes more and more unpredictable.

Of Chaos and Order, which are you most comfortable with?

Where could you benefit from inviting a little more order and predictability in your life?

Or perhaps a little more chaos and room to play?